Painted Colour Effects Castlegate

When it comes to painting the walls of your homes interiors, you, like many others in Castlegate, will likely want to be a trend setter, rather than a fashion follower. Nowadays, it is popular to be different. While many people struggle to find out precisely what they gravitate towards because of the number of influences surrounding them, it is important to take the time and ask yourself what you truly prefer when it comes to design. If you like off the wall ideas or styles that are subtely different, you have come to the right place. Many people will ikely have their walls painted block colours or wall papered from mass produced designs. You, though, who like to be individual will probably gravitate to the more interesting painted colour effects that grace only few homes.

Have a think and browse of the type of painted colour effect that you like. Get a colour scheme in mind and if you want, get a rough idea down on some paper. Once you have an idea which may be inspired from other ideas or be a completely original idea, it’s time to get a company that can see your vision and can recreate it. It can be very difficult for ourselves to have the tolls, time, patience and abilities to put these painted colour effects onto our walls but there are specialists in and around Castlegate that have the expertise to do it for us.

Some ideas that others have had are things like Lacquering, Crackle-glaze and Craquelure, antiquing, dragging, stippling, colourwash, sponging, stamping, ragging, rubbing, murals, combing, distressing and on the list goes. Having a plain blank wall seems quite dull after reading all the options that are available to you. Painted colour effects will make your home unique to you. It will stand out. When professionally done, it will be the envy of Castlegate.

We normally see lacquering on furniture but it can be used on walls as well. It is the process of putting a coat of varnish on a surface, sanding it off and painting another layer on top of it, them sanding this. The result is a smooth and shiny surface.

Antiquing has become a popular option for painted colour effects. It is the process of making a wall or furniture appear aged. It is accomplished by paint being applied and them rubbed or scrapped off at irregular intervals. Darker glazes and colour washes are normally used to gat this effect looking legitimate.

These are just some of the options that you can look into when you are thinking of your own painted colour effects. Castlegate’s Richard Smithson Decorating Services has a lot of experience in creating different painted colour effects. There is a danger when attempting to do something different that it will look a bit tacky and cheap. This is true when you use companies that lack the knowledge and skill of using painted colour effects. Castlegate is happy to have Richard Smithson Decorating Services. You can enjoy a professional finish.